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Why Is My Breast Milk Different Colors?

Have you noticed your Liquid Gold comes in a variety of colors? Worry not! This is totally normal. Blue (yes blue!), yellow, cream, & orange are common hues. As the nutrients change to fit the needs of your babe, the color & consistency does too.

When it's yellow, you're likely in the beginning stages of breastfeeding & excreting nutrient-rich colostrum. Even a diet high in beta-carotene (carrots, sweet potatoes, squash) can make breastmilk yellow.

Mature milk (post colostrum stage) has a white tinge most commonly, but can also take on a light yellow or blue hue, all depending on your diet.

Blue milk is your foremilk- the milk your baby drinks at the start of a feeding. Its lower fat content gives it the blue hue. Think: skim milk for babies; hydrating yet lower in fat!

Green breastmilk likely means you're pounding the leafy greens or green-dyed foods. Aim for the former for a more balanced diet.

While pink and red milk can simply mean there's some blood in your breastmilk due to a cracked nipple (thank you baby teeth), or a high quantity of red dye in your diet, vibrant neon pink hints at a bacterial infection.

All of these colors are normal & none are cause for alarm (phew), unless your milk keeps that pink & red tinge for a few days or more. If it remains after a few days, call your primary care or lactation consultant.

Not only do we create & sustain life, we can also make RAINBOW MILK. How incredible.

You're doing amazing mama.

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